How can we meet the comprehensive challenges of our time together?
There are no simple solutions to questions of economic and political participation, the use of natural resources and rapid technological development. Rather, they require continuous social negotiation. This can succeed if organizations and stakeholders from all sectors learn to engage with their different perspectives. Healthy and effective cooperation therefore requires time, a willingness to engage with others, give-and-take, and the courage to take risks. We call this collaboration.
Collaborative work goes beyond transactional cooperation: in a co-creative, creative process, a solution perspective emerges that is more than the sum of its parts.
betterplace co:lab
Based on the current state of research in organizational psychology and development, the betterplace co:lab program teaches skills for better collaboration between people, initiatives and organizations. This includes reflection, analysis and communication in order to reduce uncertainties in working together and to break down barriers to collaboration. The offer is aimed at committed people from civil society, but also at interested people from the public and private sectors.
In three basic workshops, which build on each other, full-time and voluntary workers learn to reflect on their motivation for wanting to make a difference together with others. Participants are trained to change their perspective in order to decide what is best for everyone involved.