Digital Democracy

In 2025 you will be elected to the digital citizens' parliament. The next climate policy is up for a vote, long overdue. How do you make your decision?

Being well informed from your sofa via online media, discussing formed opinions with other positions in anonymous chat rooms, checking which party your own convictions agree with using an election-information-machine, drawing attention to minority interests via a hashtag action, using the wave of expressions of solidarity launching an online petition, campaigning for a digital citizens' parliament to achieve more - this is what participation looks like in the age of digitalization.

With a curious civic tech community, we are exploring the potential of digital solutions for a sustainable democracy, developing prototypes, critically observing the discourse in digital spaces and preparing ourselves against anti-democratic movements.
We strengthen civil society actors and at the same time create knowledge about how digitalisation and democracy converge in practice.

Your contact person: Yannick Lebert