Stacking crisis, polycrisis, multi-crisis, crisis accumulation, interdependent, complex or systemic crisis - various crisis terms are currently buzzing around in the discourse. All of these terms describe the fact that several crises occur simultaneously, accumulate and are interrelated. Why are we going one better with the meta crisis? Because we see a deeper pattern in and between the crises. To counter this, we need resilience at a societal level. And to strengthen this, civil society should take a closer look at the meta crisis - and is already doing so to some extent, consciously or unconsciously.
In this study, we present a literature-based, manageable definition of the meta crisis and its key drivers. On the basis of six case studies, we show examples of the concrete contribution civil society is already making today in the face of the meta-crisis - and what will be important in the future.
In our two-page starter guide, we provide an overview of the concept of the meta crisis and our notion of societal resilience. We provide reflection questions for civil society actors - in the operational and promotional areas: What can they do about the meta crisis to avoid the hamster wheel of ever new crises in perspective? How can they supplement their orientation and offerings so that they incorporate the dynamics of the meta crisis?
With our study, we would like to set an impulse: to sharpen and deepen our view of the crises of our time and, on this basis, to take a closer look at the patterns in our own actions as civil society actors. It is clear to us that we still need offers and protective measures against the current acute crises. This is extremely important. And yet we want to raise awareness of the fact that civil society has great potential to contribute to overcoming the meta-crisis and, as abstract as it may sound, to mobilize many people for a fundamental renewal of our relationship with the world.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Josefa Kny.
“The resilient civil society” is a research project of the betterplace lab, funded for the period January 2023 to June 2024 by the Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt.