A Comprehensive Look at Disinformation - New Approaches to Collaboration
Disinformation itself is not a new phenomenon, but technological structures and innovations are making it more adept and at the same time spreading it faster and more accurately. This endangers social cohesion and ultimately our democratic structures. To counteract this, it is necessary to take a multi-perspective look at disinformation.
We look at the different phases of disinformation in the form of a value chain. At the same time, we present these in the context of major societal lines of development, macro- and meso-trends that form the foundation of disinformation.
Based on nearly 30 interviews with experts from different disciplines, we present a whole range of strategic approaches to disinformation.
We argue for a holistic approach that brings together diverse perspectives and opens up new opportunities for collaboration. To foster collaboration and thus increase effectiveness, a cross-sector alliance could be formed. In our recommendations for action, we propose an improved information ecology, strengthened regulation, and coordinated action.