Listen to resilience cultures

After four episodes of our own podcast focusing on resilience and civil society, this time we were invited to join a podcast discussion ourselves: In the randstad foundation's Flurfunk podcast, host Nadja Mayer spoke with Josefa about the results of our study „Resilienzkulturen. Was Non-Profit- und For-Profit-Organisationen im Umgang mit Krisen voneinander lernen können“. The key question: Is resilience just another buzzword to describe long-known principles or is there a plan behind it to help companies and organizations better navigate through crises? Listen to the answer (only available in German:

„Wir kriegen die Krise": You can also find the episodes of our betterplace lab podcast on the topic of resilience and civil society on Spotify und everywhere where podcasts are available (also only available in German).

Our Podcast

The first episode of the series "Wir kriegen die Krise." (only in German)