Resilience at the Science Slam in Freiburg

Conjuring up crises on the theater stage and expecting applause for it? Josefa Kny has really taken on something. But seriously: who is immune to a crisis? A fever of over 40, sweats, chills - you need medicine or some other trick to get you out of the crisis.

The motto of the Science Slam at the Freiburg Theater on 13 May is “Generation Health”. The contributions of the four slammers address the topic in different ways. For some, the focus is more on the individual, such as Cologne-based sports scientist Olli Quittmann with his presentation “Pacing while running” or Mainz-based psychologist Franzi Zmatlik with “Factors of happiness”.

Josefa Kny, however, takes care of the health of entire organizations. Pills, deep inhalation and exhalation or progressive muscle relaxation don't help. She does not issue a generally valid prescription. After all, an entire system of different individuals and processes must become resilient. It is therefore highly complex and, above all, no two are the same. “We get the crisis - and what do we do with it?” - The resilience researcher explores this question in the 10 short minutes.

Presenter, author and poetry slammer Rainer Holl is the man who passes the mic on this evening. Another slammer in the round is Luca Neuperti with his contribution “CATs vs. ROBOTS - Can AI converse?” and last but not least, biologist Jens Rudat from Karlsruhe poses the question: “Probiotic drinking yoghurt: humbug, or just sexy?”

800 spectators cheer the speakers on the Freiburg stage who mean the world. The long journey to the south of Germany was definitely worth it for this amount of good humor.

Our Podcast

The first episode of the series "Wir kriegen die Krise." (only in German)