Human rights protection in a digital age (UGANDA)

Human Rights in a digital age

Human Rights stand at the centre of all development cooperation between Uganda and Germany, so adapting to the challenges posed by digitization is as important in this field as ever. While technological advances may mean that state surveillance can encroach upon civil society spaces, digitization can also be harnessed for the benefit of human rights work; for instance by making it more visible and impactful, by making it easier to report human rights violations, or by raising awareness among the population about their rights.

The joint project “Human Rights Protection in the Digital Age” aims to examine the intersection of human rights and digital transformation. The focus will be directed at the following three areas:

1. Setting up and supporting local and regional communities of practice

2. Strengthening the competencies of local organizations in areas of digital human rights work

3. Enhancing local players’ innovative potentials

Topics: ICT4X, Zivilgesellschaft

Isabel Gahren

Isabel Gahren heads the Digital Human Rights Lab of the betterplace labs together with Future Challenges and GIZ Uganda. Her passion is to find out how digital technologies and principles of digital development can strengthen human rights. Together with her colleagues Nora Hauptmann and Franziska Kreische, she forms the ICT4X team, which is committed to future-oriented international cooperation. She also works in the editorial department of the betterplace lab.

Nora Hauptmann

Nora Hauptmann is excited about the achievements of digital social innovation to promote exchange and co-creation across country borders. She is particularly passionate about education and the future of work, two interests that she combined in Jordan, where she headed the office of an edTech organization for refugees. Her background is in Psychology and at betterplace lab, she works on the topics of migration and ICT4X with a European and international perspective.

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The first episode of the series "Wir kriegen die Krise." (only in German)