How can the challenges posed by digitalization in Mozambique be overcome? Within the IDEA D4D project, European and Mozambican stakeholders will meet on 18/19 October in Maputo at the Innovation Days to find out how to overcome barriers in a co-creative process and exploit the potential of digitalization.
The project title IDEA D4D - written out: Innovations Dialogues Europe-Africa Digital for Development - stands for the strengthening of digital participation of civil society in the five African countries Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Tunisia and Morocco.
The project is based on three components:
- Building partnerships and synergies, regionally to globally, including with projects from other EU funding measures.
- Workshops to build the capacity and skills of participating civil society organizations and academia.
- Innovation days, which focus on pooling challenges and co-developing relevant innovations with all relevant stakeholders from the private and public sectors, civil society, academia and think tanks. Funding is then distributed in a targeted manner for specific tasks and solutions.
To date, access to the internet, i.e. the actual digital infrastructure, as well as large differences in digitalization between urban/rural areas and gender have been identified as barriers to digital participation. By means of this bottom-up strategy, the real needs of civil society are captured and addressed.
Our ICT4X Expert Isabel Gahren represents the betterplace lab in Maputo as one of the five IDEA D4D partner organizations alongside GIZ, Enabel, Smart Africa and Expertise France. We are looking forward to her report!
The IDEA D4D project is funded by the H2020 Framework Programme of the European Union. More information is available here.