The Inklupreneur Berlin program and its impact
Inklupreneur Berlin is a project of Hilfswerft gGmbH that promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities. Over the course of four years, the aim is to activate start-up companies and create 60 to 120 inclusive jobs for people with disabilities. A total of 42 companies took part in the program between April 2021 and April 2024. The project aims to contribute to Berlin's positive role model function as a startup city.
The betterplace lab accompanied the Inklupreneur program and prepared a comprehensive impact report. In this short report, we want to discuss the key findings of this impact report, give those responsible a chance to speak (interview) and outline the most important lessons learned from the program. The most important finding right from the start - the impact of the program on the participants is demonstrable on various levels:
(1) The program provides participants with knowledge and skills on how to implement inclusion in the company. After completing the program - consisting of a training course (Starter Camp) and coaching - 97% are more aware of the topic. In addition, 75% of participants feel able to identify inclusive job openings.
(2) The participants change their actions: Because they can now identify inclusive job openings, 72% have created relevant job advertisements and carried out an application simulation. By April 2024, a total of 106 positions had already been filled by people with severe disabilities.
(3) Participants are also positive about the future: the probability of employing a new employee with a disability in the next twelve months was given as 63% on average.
On average, 63% consider it realistic to meet the pledge set out in the program by the end of 2024.
Participants emphasized the accompanying coaching and peer mentoring as a unique selling point. They received specific advice on their individual concerns and challenges - also from the perspective of those affected. They were able to reflect on their knowledge and were accompanied by a coach as they took important steps towards becoming an inclusive company. In general, the participants described the program as a clear added value, as the organizations would probably not have hired a person with a disability without their participation. By participating in the program, they were able to concretely meet their commitment to becoming more inclusive. Three out of four participating companies have successfully hired people with disabilities during the course of the program.
Read our impact report on the INKLUPRENEUR BERLIN PROGRAM, which we produced together with Hilfswerft gGmbH.