Welcome to the first and second episodes of Human Rights and the Digital Podcast!
Human Rights and the Digital Podcast presents voices and perspectives of Human Rights defenders in Uganda, focusing on how technology is being used to the realization of Human Rights.
Podcast #1:

In the first episode Charity Mugasha and Phillip Ayazik introduce the Digital Human Rights Lab and show how the digital and physical space that is strengthening digital human rights works in Uganda.
Podcast #2:

In the second episode of Human Rights and the Digital Podcast, Charity Mugasha and Phillip Ayazika, together with their guest Brian Geoffrey Chanwat (Strategic Response Initiative), explore how Human Rights Defenders in Uganda are embracing ICT to adapt to new working conditions in times of a global pandemic. With everything going digital because of the quarantine requirements, they dig deep to understand how the legal fraternity in Uganda is embracing ICTs to ensure access to justice.