The betterplace well:being & betterplace co:lab programmes were launched in 2020, aiming to support people working on the global challenges of our times by enabling them to act healthily and collaboratively.
Anyone who takes on the global challenge of our time needs a special degree of inner stability in order to be able to deal with uncertainty, to develop the necessary creativity and to raise additional resources for collaborative processes.
As part of this model project, we hope to gain insights into how we can create a regenerative culture in coworking and what requirements and solutions are available. We seek to transfer the knowledge and experience generated in this pilot to other places and addressed to other target groups.
Both the well:being workshop series and the co:lab workshop series consist of five workshops. The well:being program aims to protect the mental health of the participants in the long term. Leadership qualities, emotional intelligence, demarcation, inner focus, satisfaction and motivation are promoted, as are the skills for reflection, self-awareness and self-management. The co:lab program strengthens interpersonal skills like empathy, compassion, curiosity, openness, multi-perspectivity, tolerance of ambiguity and the ability to deal with conflict.
In addition to the workshops, the betterplace lab accompanies eight cross-organizational groups (so-called clusters) through process coaching and regular work sessions in supporting them working on a future social issue.
Here you find some information about the program in English:
betterplace co:lab
- Finally: betterplace well:being and betterplace co:lab are launched
- Transactional versus co-creative: Reflection on the betterplace co:lab part 1
- Bettina Rollow on Collaboration, New Work and Inner Transformation
- betterplace co:lab - The workshop series
The betterplace well:being program is a betterplace lab project and is supported by BKK∙VBU, pronova BKK and Salus BKK.
The betterplace co:lab program is a betterplace lab project and is supported by Schöpflin Stiftung and Luminate.
Foto: Ashley Batz |Unsplash